Wi-Fi Networks
Public Wi-Fi
Our outdoor public Wi-Fi network provides free internet access across the City Centre and the coastal stretch between Roker and Seaburn, alongside city parks including Roker Park, Thompson Park, and Seaburn Play Park.
Public Wi-Fi network properties
- 150+ Wi-Fi access points
- 4 GHz and 5 GHz frequencies
- 3 km2 footprint
- mmWave backhaul network
- Friendly Wi-Fi filtering

City & Coastal
Residents and visitors to the city can enjoy free, super-fast and reliable Wi-Fi in outdoor places across the city centre.
A huge expansion of the public Wi-Fi network footprint has taken place to provide superfast, reliable and free internet access across both the city centre and the popular coastal areas of Roker and Seaburn including both Seaburn and Roker parks.
The free public Wi-Fi service provides multiple benefits.
It helps to tackle digital inclusion – giving residents without broadband safe spaces to access the internet for free, whilst enabling a transformative experience for visitors, creating opportunities to boost the local economy.
The free public Wi-Fi in Sunderland is certified by Friendly Wi-Fi, the safety certification standard for public Wi-Fi.
The Friendly Wi-Fi logo represents the safety standard for public Wi-Fi, and users of the service across Sunderland can feel confident that it is filtered to meet the minimum levels of protection. This means that inappropriate content will be automatically filtered to help prevent for example, such material being accessed by children or young people on their devices in public places.
Private Wi-Fi
Our bespoke private Wi-Fi connectivity solution delivers exceptional performance, reliability and scalability, making it ideal for businesses and organisations of all sizes.
Key benefits
- Fast and reliable speeds: Seamless browsing, streaming and downloading.
- Scalability: Easily accommodate growing needs and expanding networks.
- Proven technology: Our solution is trusted by leading businesses and institutions.
We have successfully deployed our private Wi-Fi solution in a variety of environments, including Sunderland’s Digital Hubs, Sunderland City Hall, Riverside Car Park, Sunderland Railway Station, Sunderland Football Club and University of Sunderland.
For more information on how our networks and solutions could benefit your organisation, please contact us using our contact form. We would be delighted to discuss how our smart city capabilities can support you.