City resources

Empower yourself with our extensive resource library. Find fact sheets and other resources to help you learn more about our city’s smart technologies and initiatives.

Get free and friendly help to improve your digital confidence and go online.
Play your part in reducing e-waste and help your community go online by donating old equipment between August and October 2024.
Find out more about the digital switchover with this handy, all-you-need-to-know leaflet.
Are you a business or organisation based in Sunderland? Learn more about opportunities to get involved with the Sunderland App.
This handy factsheet offers insights into what 5G is, and why we know it is safe.
Use this resource to increase your confidence in using technology safely and legally.
Learn about what support is available near you, and how to connect with these organisations through the internet.
Are you taking your first steps to improving your digital knowledge and skills, or helping someone else to do so? Use this helpful resource to...
Make your services and products more digitally accessible using these handy tools.
This resource shares some useful links to encourage codesign and delivery across Sunderland’s Digital Inclusion efforts.

