Our Data
Our team has built a central serverless smart city data platform to enable the city to collect, analyse, and act upon data from various sources. We used the Microsoft Azure Data Lake and Data Warehouse, together with business intelligence data analytics platforms to:
- Ingest data from our IoT sensors, city applications and 3rd party data sources
- Clean, merge and match records
- Produce real-time, dashboards and reporting
- Create automated insights and workflows
This gives us a very flexible capability to build a variety of smart city apps and dashboards to support a number of different teams across the city. These teams are provided with regular insights on aspects of the city that includes:
- Air quality monitoring, reporting and alerting
- Monitoring traffic congestion and footfall
- Monitoring rainfall and flooding events
- Waste management and bin fill and collection optimisation
- Lifebuoy monitoring and safety compliance
- Legionella and water quality compliance
- Combined data sets to enable the planning of and confirm the success of city-wide events, especially when complimented with wi-fi data, weather data and MasterCard spend data.
Through the city’s advanced smart city data platform, the Council is also able to transform the way it uses data across its services, such as adult social care, children’s services and workforce management, bringing previously disparate data together in one place to improve management, strategic planning and the way the Council delivers services to Sunderland’s residents.
It has also enabled the Council to identify 10,500 of our most vulnerable residents, ensuring we can deliver personalised, person-centred services and targeted support where it’s needed most. This innovative approach not only improves real-time city management, but also strengthens long-term city planning, allowing us to better respond to current and future challenges.
On our Open Data page, we publish data that the public showing detailed activity across Sunderland such as the number of pedestrians, the number of users of our free public Wi-Fi and other city-wide data.

For more information on how our networks and solutions could benefit your organisation, please contact us using ourĀ contact form. We would be delighted to discuss how our smart city capabilities can support you.