14 Jun 2024
Venue Thompson Park Community Centre
7 Newbold Ave
Time 10:00am - 12:30pm

Digital Inclusion Workshop: Southwick

Go Online Sunderland wants people across Sunderland to gain the confidence, knowledge, and skills to help other people use a digital device or the internet for the first time.

Join us at this Digital Inclusion workshop, where attendees will be educated on what digital inclusion means, the digital exclusion landscape in Sunderland, and why digital inclusion is a city priority.

Participants in the workshop will be empowered to cascade learnings back to others within their organisation, and set up new digital inclusion programmes.

You’ll learn about the variety of tools and resources available to help you to help others: whether that’s to set up a new digital inclusion activity or expand current digital interventions, we’ll help you create opportunities for digital inclusion.

It’s completely free to attend, and you only need basic level IT skills to take part.

Sessions are limited to ten people per workshop – save your spot today!

This workshop is powered by Levelling Up, funded by the UK Government.

Enrol by completing the registration form or phone us on 07901 317 530.
